Friday, May 8, 2009

My first entry

I'm starting this blog because I've had it with what's being written out there about endometriosis on the web. Meaning: it's all lousy. Nobody seems to tell the truth about how much it sucks to have it; how much it hurts; how scary it is; or what kind of hell it wreaks in your life. I should know. I don't just have endometriosis. I've got it bad. Bad like in my liver. Hepatic endometriosis. Google it. Hardly anything will come back that you can make sense of. I've got it where you're supposed to get it, too. And I'm sick (literally) and sick (metaphorically) and tired of having it.

Doesn't much matter, though. Doesn't matter because this is it. I've got it, I'm gonna have it for the long haul. I had a massive liver resection done eight weeks ago that was supposed to set me straight but right now there's some doubt that it did. My monthly cycle rolled around and there it was again -- the pain that says, "Here I am, your dear old friend, Endo." Damn.

Everyone is telling me not to panic. I'm trying not to panic. Could still be post-operative pain, they say. After all, four big sections of your liver were removed. Doesn't explain though why the pain had resolved, the surgeon had cleared me from his service and then, Bam!, there's the pain again, same as before. What's a girl to do? I ebb and flow through the nauseaus anger; hunker down against the tears; make wry jokes that really aren't funny at all. It isn't funny. Phantom pain? My brain remembers that it used to hurt and so it has determined to keep on hurting even though nothing is there any more? Could it be? Seriously? Or is it still the real thing?

Phantom pain. That's the kicker, huh? Because those of you out there with just plain ol' regular endometriosis know what I'm talking about there. You don't have to have the super rare hepatic endo to know that it takes a whole lotta complaing to get people to believe that this stuff hurts and you need people to take you seriously. Man. I still have two ovaries that are no good to me, endo in other various spots, the super-fun opportunity to stack myself full of hormones. Yee-haw.

This is the truth about endometriosis. When I go on the web, most of what I find are people talking about it through the lens of infertility, or how there's still so much to hope for, or how to get over it, but I'm saying that a lot of us are still under it. My friend, my lovely friend, Kate, refers to situations that are way out of hand as "shit shows," and I've borrowed her phrase for this blog. Endometriosis is a total shit show. It's a shit show that ten or fifteen percent of women have a disease that doctors so freely admit they barely understand. Why doesn't this worry them more? I am befuddled and confused at their passivity. It's a shit show that women practically have to jump up and down on pogo sticks in medical waiting rooms before they're taken seriously about what's going on in terms of their pain and suffering . And it's a shit show that we're supposed to be brave against unbearable odds. I don't know if I'm ever going to get better and that's a shit show in and of itself. I'm really quite scared all of the time. What doesn't hurt physically hurts somewhere else, deep down inside. If you've got this disease, I bet you know what I mean.

If you're looking for answers or "try this's" well, then, this blog is not for you. I've noticed that out there on the Internet you've got lots of places to go for that. But if you just want to know you're not alone, stop by. I'll try to post.

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